Sunday, August 14, 2011



They fought, they abused,
Violent …they hit, they pushed,
…They fell apart….

A deep silence in the air…
…A silence so noisy
…A silence so haunting
…A silence so deadly

Gasping for breath…. they heard their hearts speak,
…They came closer, no words to speak…

They held their hands, they hugged,
Tender… they loved, they kissed,
…They lay apart…. 

A deep silence in the air …
… A silence so peaceful
…A silence so wanting
…A silence so lively

Smiling in sigh…, they felt their soul speak,
… As Stillness endure…


A Silent Whisper…

Her soft cosy whisper
Gentle but clear
To drop his noisy fear!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Dream...

An Angel …

As a lovely cool moon light
Over the sky twilight…
As if a seed of life
In a desert to be a delight…

You… came into my being…!

To give back a part of my life
Did you come to birth…?
Carrying my dreams in your eyes
You enter unto this earth…

To be a mother although
I bore you in my womb...
Caring for me all through
With me in downs...

 You indeed are a mother too…!

For prompt: Dreams,onesingleimpression