Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Dream...

An Angel …

As a lovely cool moon light
Over the sky twilight…
As if a seed of life
In a desert to be a delight…

You… came into my being…!

To give back a part of my life
Did you come to birth…?
Carrying my dreams in your eyes
You enter unto this earth…

To be a mother although
I bore you in my womb...
Caring for me all through
With me in downs...

 You indeed are a mother too…!

For prompt: Dreams,onesingleimpression


  1. "Carrying my dreams in your eyes
    You enter unto this earth…"

    Yes, parents see extension of their dreams in their child. Well put.

  2. so sweet....and true!

  3. Nice thoughts and a great ending shot!!

  4. It touched my heart... well done..

  5. My daughter is an angel for me. And as a mother, her birth is my dream come true!
    If she fulfills my unfulfilled dreams,then it shall be an added joy....
    Loved your poem.

  6. That's very sweet and touching,
    'Carrying my dreams in your eyes..'
    Lovely line!

  7. ahh thtz so cute n lovely :)
    amazingly superb n angelic

  8. a sweet treatise to the relationship between mother and daughter

  9. Lovely take on the subject- so very true! Loved this kind of dream!

  10. Beautifully expressed and so very true. A universal message here.

  11. Nice progression here, Premi. In the States we have a saying that 'there will be a time when the parent becomes the child and the child becomes the parent.'

    I know this isn't exactly what you are saying but I do believe it is a part of it. We become the caretakers for our parents when they can no longer care for themselves. Hopefully this will be motivated by love, parental love.

  12. That last line is so full of heart, it warms and expands my own heart. Thank you, friend.

  13. This is so sweet and beautiful Premi.
